Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Go Home Already!

I'm talkin about the song by Daughtry. Holy Cow! Do you think they could play it on the radio some more (sarcasm)... Don't get me wrong. I think it's a great song. But really, it doesn't have to be like the only song on the radio. In the past two days I think I've heard it at least twice each time I'm in my car. No matter where I'm going, how far or long I'm driving - there it is. And man does it stick in my head! Oy!!!

Of course I know there are solutions to the overplay-itis that often comes with a great song (can you say My Heart Will Go On?) I could listen to CD's, iPod, satellite radio, etc. And I guess there's a little bit of jealousy happening. I mean, as a singer songwriter, I dream of the day that a song of mine is played on every radio station twenty times a day (often simultaneously- what do they, call each other and say, "let's play this one at 2:56 today"?)
But as a listener, it's just way too much. There's so much other good music out there. Give us some variety will ya!

Oh yea. And on a totally unrelated subject, WAY TO GO BARRY BONDS!!! It's been a long time coming. You can say what you want about legitimacy, muscle enhancement, whatever- bottom line is, he's done it. He set a goal and worked and worked and worked until he reached it. Blood, sweat and tears, ya know. That's what it's all about.

~peace & carrots

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